Online Resources
Looking for preparedness resources to review online or link to on your department's site? The following is a comprehensive list of helpful resources created by OEMBC, other UMD offices/departments, or links to external sites that all provide valuable emergency preparedness information.
OEMBC Guides and Booklets

Be UMD Ready
A comprehensive booklet that serves as a one-stop shop for all things preparedness

Be UMD Ready (en español)
Un folleto completo que sirve como una ventanilla única para todo lo relacionado con la preparación.

Be UMD Ready (Kreyòl ayisyen)
Yon ti liv konplè ki sèvi kòm yon sèl-stop shop pou tout bagay preparasyon

Emergency Guide
A concise, one-page resource that outlines recommended actions individuals should take in the event of various emergency situations

Emergency Guide (en español)
Un recurso conciso de una sola página que describe las acciones recomendadas que las personas deben tomar en caso de diversas situaciones de emergencia

Emergency Guide (Kreyòl ayisyen)
Yon resous kout, yon paj ki dekri aksyon rekòmande moun ta dwe pran nan ka ta gen divès sitiyasyon ijans.
Be UMD Ready
A 45-minute video focused on individual preparedness for emergency events that may occur on or off campus. It includes topics such as:
- The types of emergencies that might occur and how to prepare for them;
- Existing safety and security measures on campus;
- How departments coordinate during an emergency; and
- Various resources available to improve readiness.