Emergency Preparedness and Continuity Specialist
Ethan Moss joined OEMBC in October of 2024. He leads OEMBC’s efforts to increase the development and implementation of emergency management exercises and training. Ethan also leads OEMBC’s data tracking efforts including incident activation and university exercises and training data. Additionally, Ethan supports the maturation of the Continuity of Operations Planning program (COOP) at UMD.
Prior to joining OEMBC, Ethan worked for The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) in the Office of Emergency Management increasing campus resilience through the creation of a campus Emergency Operations Center (EOC), comprehensive all-hazard planning, and enhancing emergency communication planning and infrastructure. He is experienced in emergency response, acting as Incident Commander and other high-level command positions during various incidents that occurred on TCNJ’s campus including infrastructure outages and natural disasters. Ethan also previously worked for the Princeton Office of Emergency Management and Princeton Public Health Department during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic leading Point-of-Distribution (POD) planning and implementation for COVID-19 vaccines.
Ethan has his Bachelors of Science in Emergency Management and Public Health, and Masters in Public Health from The College of New Jersey. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Emergency Management at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC).